Afghan-Cilantro Chutney
* 1 large bunch of cilantro or 2 medium ones
* 1 Jalapeno chili with the seeds removed
* 4 walnuts
* 1tbs granulated sugar
* 1 cup of white vinegar or lemon juice
* 2 tsp salt
How to cook:
Prepare this in a blender or food processor for an even texture.
Wash the chili and remove the seeds or the chutney will be too hot. Wash and roughly chop all but the very end of the stems from the cilantro. Keeping the part of the stems that are not brown gives this a great taste. Add both of the above to the blender. Then add all the of the rest of the ingredients and blend until the walnuts are well chopped and it has the consistency of a slightly chunky soup. If it is too chunky, blend until it is smoother or add 3 tbsp of water and blend again. In an airtight container, and if it is not contaminated when using, it will keep for at least 3 weeks.
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Afghan-Cilantro Chutney(Sauce)
Compiled by MoneyBySense at 3:54 AM
Labels: Afghan food, Chutney, Lemon, Lemon juice, Sauce, Spicy, Sugar, Sweet-Sour